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Spiders are nocturnal and omnivores. They are also cannibalistic feeders and can transmit bacteria pathogens; spider bites can cause localised swelling or irritations. Spiders, ticks, mites, centipedes, millipedes, are all arachnids. While the venom of most arachnids found in New Zealand is not necessarily poisonous to warm blooded animals and humans, they can introduce an extremely toxic substance into the blood stream. White tail bites, for example, can make people very ill and may require medical attention.

Spiders produce an egg sac consisting of a mass of silken threads. The eggs hatch inside the sac, and the young ‘molt’ once before ballooning on the silken threads to leave the sac. They are then left to find their own food. After successive molts they reach adult stage, where the body hardens and darkens in colour. The average life cycle of most spiders is less than 12 months.

The most common spiders you will find in New Zealand are shown below:

The golden orb web spider, below.

The grey house spider, below.

The large brown vagrant spider, below.

The katipo spider, below.

The Avondale spider ( In Auckland), below.

White tailed spiders, which are identified by a white tip at the end of the abdomen, below.


• An external surface treatment is applied in areas where spiders typically crawl e.g. skirting boards, window frames, and the ceiling.

• For web spiders it is also good if the webs can be treated directly.

• The treatment works on residual contact. This means the insect will absorb the product after crawling over it. The product then kills the insect by affecting the nervous system.

• It is important that you leave cobwebs for the technician to locate where the spiders are nesting. You should not remove the cobwebs for at least 14 days after treatment so that visiting spiders (i.e. white tails) will come in contact with the product. Webs can then be brushed away with a broom – do not wash away with water.

Needing help identifying or getting rid of spiders in your home or office? Contact us now for a free consultation and ask about our Spider Control Auckland special.



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